Monday, August 22, 2011

Reboot Entry Program - Day 2

I'm still nervous about this blogging bit. I'm going to stick with it though and I'm determined to become at least a semi-pro at it! Thank you to all my friends that are supporting me and encouraging everything I'm doing...juicing, blogging, business, etc.

Today was better than yesterday.  I had great energy until about 3:00 this afternoon. Suddenly I felt like someone pulled the plug on me, I could not even concentrate on phone calls. I had to take a nap! I realized something that I may have to change in this menu...the breakfast juice was all fruit, sugary fruits like bananas, pears, and pineapple. The juice was more like a smoothie and was a large amount, I was full for long time. I suspect what happened is the morning fruits were spent and I crashed shortly after. I must sit down this evening and plan my day and schedule out better. I think more greens in the morning are definitely in order! This is good! It's forcing me to get off the lazy fence and get more actively involved in how I spend my time. GASP! A real schedule for me! (I swore off routine and tight schedules when my children moved away from home. I think parents deserve a break after they've done their work)

The food today was really absolutely delicious! I do not feel like I'm missing anything. I have not wanted to snack or "cheat" once. As a health coach I tell my clients when they're hungry to eat, no one ever made a healthy lifestyle change by going hungry or depriving themselves. I also am not a big fan of "diets" for the sake of losing weight, so please be clear that this is not my intent for this 15 day challenge. I am hoping to detox my body and literally reboot my health and energy.  Even though I typically eat very well (organic foods, local as much as possible, no processed foods, not much sugar) we are exposed to toxins from everywhere on a daily basis. My husband spent 28 years in the military and I cannot imagine all the things he's been exposed to over those years. His intent for doing this 15 day program is to begin his detoxing in a gentler and more gradual way.

All in all, today was great. I definitely need to work on the schedule and being a little more organized. Looking forward to day 3, I'm ready for whatever comes our way!

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