Sunday, August 21, 2011

Reboot Your Life, Entry Program - Day 1

When I watched the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead a couple of weeks ago I was motivated to jump into a juice fast. If you've watched the movie it's hard not to become a fan of Joe! He not only turned his life around he regained his health and vitality. He then used his experience to begin teaching others how they, too, could reclaim their health through a juicing regime. How could you not want to be like Joe!?

For once I decided to PLAN for this instead of jumping right into it, like I usually do with most things that I get excited about. I spent a week reading over the program on the website for Reboot Your Life that a friend passed on to me, (Thank you Laura) It's a good thing I did this, I took a quiz on the website that told me what program I should begin with. The Entry Program, which is a 15 day introductory type program. At first I felt disappointed that this particular program was suggested, it's not 100% juicing and I have this "all or nothing" trait about myself, I felt I wasn't REALLY doing what Joe did. After today, I'm so thankful I listened to their advice and surrendered my need for control here. It's a very useful webpage that includes a support community as well as suggested daily menus and recipes for each program. (This makes shopping for your supplies and food so easy!)  They know what they're talking about!

So today was the first day. I'm not going to lie, I feel hungry..or at least I think I do. Probably the most powerful thing that has stood out for me today is the realization of how much I use food for my own personal entertainment. We watched a football game without the usual spread of foods that we'd munch on throughout the whole game. (We made it but sadly our team did not.) A couple of other times during the day when I was bored I thought I'd get a snack and immediately acknowledged I didn't NEED one. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to eat a huge meal and drink one glass too many of wine the night before I was to begin a juice fast. The over-indulgence probably did not set me up for a great start. Regardless, I did well today. I stuck to the menu plan and the fact I organized all the food prior made today go pretty smoothly.

My husband is also participating in this 15 day program, I'm really happy to have a partner and support during this.  We are headed to bed here before 10 p.m. and feel that tomorrow is going to be better since we did so well today. Tomorrow we'll pick up the exercising, getting outside for fresh air and sunshine HAS to be a good thing! Tomorrow is a busy work day and will present the first big challenge of sticking to this. I have a plan! Thermos bottles and to-go containers for the food, and a small cooler to carry it all in. We'll do this!

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